Next Club Meetings: WEDNESDAY August 21, September 18: 7:00 p.m. Stamp Shows Salem Oregon Salem Stamp Society Stamp Club
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 The August bidboard has some nice items;  see the listings and illustraions in the Auctions tab.   Steve will give us a program on the History of the Buffalo Soldiers.

Our meetings are also accessible by Zoom.  Write to several days before the meeting for the Zoom invitation.

Tell Mike Braet if you are willing to provide a "Frame of the Month" at one of our meetings.

To contact the leaders of the club, address your email to  That mailbox is checked frequently, and emails received are forwarded to an appropriate person.  Of course, members can use the email addresses in their membership directory.

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The purpose of the Salem Stamp Society shall be
  • to promote fellowship of all who are interested in the study of philately,
  • to facilitate the exchange of knowledge of the various branches of the hobby among its members,
  • to assist members in the acquisition and disposal of stamps and other philatelic materials,
  • to encourage participation in exhibiting at philatelic functions,
  • and to disseminate information relating to philately among its members and the general public.
See the Library page for a listing of the contents of the SSS Library. It is searchable in your browser.

Weather Closures:
In case of inclement weather, SSS will follow the lead of the Salem-Keizer Public Schools.  Among other places to look for their decisions:


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Current webmaster: George Struble