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September 18 meeting will feature Tony Port, speaking on "The
Colour of Stamps." There are also some nice items in our
Bid Boarfd at that meeting. See them under the Auctions
And plan to come to our STAMPEX show Sunday, September 22, at our usual meeting place, the Scottish Rite Masonic Center at 4090 Commercial St. SE in Salem. Our October 16 meeting will be a Swap Night. Our meetings are also accessible by Zoom. Write to salemstampsociety@gmail.com several days before the meeting for the Zoom invitation. Tell Mike Braet if you are willing to provide a "Frame of the Month" at one of our meetings. To contact the leaders of the club, address your email to salemstampsociety@gmail.com. That mailbox is checked frequently, and emails received are forwarded to an appropriate person. Of course, members can use the email addresses in their membership directory. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The purpose of the Salem Stamp Society shall be
See the Library page
for a listing of the contents of the SSS Library. It is searchable in your browser.
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Links Page Stamp Clubs Philatelic Publications Uesful sites |
Website designed by: Geerlings Design
Current webmaster: George Struble